Thursday, October 8, 2009

Surgery Bound

Our little Gabriel will be heading into surgery on October 28th to have his adenoids removed. After SEVERAL test and many pokes all test have come back with great results. However, our Gabe continues to get sick very easily. So next step is to remove the adenoids and see if this makes a difference. Thank you to all that have been supporting us in prayer. Your prayers mean the world to us and we would appreciate if you would pray for Gabe on the 28th.
These are a few of the pictures that I've taken of him during all of the test that he has had to have done. He has gotten to the point that even shots aren't bothering him. The last shot he had done when the nurse was finished he looked at her and said "That's it?". She was so surprised by his reaction that all she could do was laugh, which is exactly what his dad did too!

This was the first CT Scan that he had to do. We really weren't sure how this was going to turn out as people kept telling us how they have to put most kids his age to sleep to get a good read. But not this kid...He was AMAZING. I'm not sure if he even blinked. It took less than 5 minutes and we were on our way home.

This was the first step to the Immune Testing that he had to have done in July. He wasn't to sure about this at first but soon was able to just sit back and relax.

After they got his arms all set up he had to sweat. This is Gabe and Daddy watching a movie while we waited. He had to sit in his winter coat and blanket for a half hour.

This is what it looked like when he was done sweating. End results were perfect after the first try no need to have it done again. There was another little girl having this same test done while we were there and she just kept screaming. They finally moved her into another area. But before they did Gabe looked at me and said "I don't understand why she is crying, it doesn't hurt." He tried to talk to the little girl and ease her but it didn't work. He has such a great heart.

And this is the finale CT Scan done on September 21st. They wanted to make sure that they weren't going to have to do anything with his sinus while they were taking out his adenoids. Thank goodness they are looking better and there will be no need for surgery on them. Thank you for following along on our little journey. This four year old has more courage than his mommy any day!

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