Here are a few of my favorite pool pictures from the summer.
Gabe taking a break from swimming to flash mommy that great toothless smile.
We celebrated a very special person's 50th birthday which was a bit of a surprise.
As you can tell Gabe REALLY enjoyed pulling off this surprise for his best friend! What a great night.
We've been able to make it to the beach twice this year which in it's self is amazing. The second trip John thought that we should go ahead and get Jordon's Senior Pictures taken. I took him out on his favorite ship that docks in South Haven. For $12.00 we were able to get onto the boat and I was able to get some really good shots of him.
These are just a couple shots that I took that day. It's so hard to believe that we have one more that is going to Graduate this year. They sure do grow up fast.
This is Gabe with the ship that we took Jordon's pictures on behind him. We really enjoyed using the In Laws boat this summer but the boating bug has once again bit my husband and he can not wait until we can get another boat of our own.
This summer has found some of us learning how to play and new game, Disc Golf. My brother and dad have gotten into this a lot and we have a course at ILNC so Josh will come up and play every now and then with John. It's been a lot of fun seeing more of my brother this summer.
So much fun in fact that we all decided to take the kids to Michigan Adventure. What a great day. Josh, Ethan, Darci, Mom, Dad, Hayden, Harrison, Josh's friend Paul, John, Tony, Abby, Shenira, Gabe and I went for the entire day and had SO much fun. Gabe struggled a little because all of his cousins could ride a lot of the big rides and he couldn't because he was to short. Even Ethan who is 6 months younger than him could ride and he just couldn't understand why if he was older than Ethan why couldn't he ride the rides.
This is Josh & Ethan with Snoopy
The two kids in the very front are Ethan & Harrison. Those boys weren't afraid of anything and LOVED the coaster!
Front row of this one is Josh and Hayden
Shenira, John, Gabe, Harrison, My Dad & I had to go on the bumper cars. I love bumper cars you just can't go on them and not smile.
Aunt Meme and Bubba. I love this kid, he is so quite and very sweet.
We have attend yet another successful Bornor Reunion. Numbers were a little down this year than in years past but we still had such a great time. Our kids talk about this reunion for an entire year and once it's over they can't wait until next year. It's very weird being there and not having Grandma GG and many of her other siblings that have passed away there but they have found such great ways to remember and keep them with us. The new family cook off that was started last year continued this year and was a success once again.
We had a bridal shower for my cousin Kendra this past weekend at my mom's house and while we were there I needed a few pictures with my mom and Grandma. My Aunt Denise bought me a great frame while we were out there on vacation and I've been dying to get picture for it and this was the perfect time to do just that. It's a generation picture frame and I needed one of the three of us together.
Shenira, John, Gabe, Harrison, My Dad & I had to go on the bumper cars. I love bumper cars you just can't go on them and not smile.
We still have a few things left before the summer is over like Dustin's 16th birthday (yes I said 16, we now have 3 of the 5 that are driving), a Kempton Family get together at Aunt Debbie & Uncle Carl's house and of course you can't finish a summer with out the annual Family Garage Sales in Tekonsha at Nana's house! I hope all of your summers are going well and that you have been able to enjoy yourselves as much as we have. I love my family and the time I get to spend with them wouldn't have it any other way.
What a great summer you've had! I didn't realize you guys got a pool. Aren't they so much fun? And Jordan has changed so much. What a handsome dude.