Uncle Josh being the nice uncle that he is gave both Shenira and Gabe a lift to the shoreline since the water was so cold. He was "Uncle Josh the Taxi".
Once on shore the boys and Darci :) Had fun tossing the football around while the rest of us looked for rocks to bring back to the rock garden at home.
Uncle Josh, Tony & Dustin decided that they wanted to climb the Dune the sand was SO hot but they all made it to the top and then one at a time than all ran down as fast as they could. This was pretty funny to watch. I thought for sure that we were going to be taking someone to the hospital but they all made it without falling.
Josh went first
Then Dustin
And Tony was last. Tony came down SO fast that I never got a chance to get his picture until he was at the bottom!
It was fun having people with us so that I could get some pictures with me in them. 
This is my mom and brother. It was so nice having them join us for the day. My brother has a crazy work schedule so we don't get to do a lot of stuff together so it was great to spend a whole day with him.
I am head over heals in love with this man. He has such a love for the water and I think I pretty much love every picture that I've ever taken of him on the water. He is so happy when we are out here. This is a place where he can come and not have to think about anything and he can just relax and enjoy himself.
The rest of these pictures were taken at St. Joe which was our second stop for the day. The water there was much warmer and we could actually play in it. This is Tony getting the best of his "old man". I love watching the way that all of the kids play around with their dad and how much he loves to play back.
I always have a favorite picture of the day and this time this one is it. I wouldn't be able to get this shot again if my life depended on it.
My mom took this one and I love it to Tony, Dustin & Josh tossing the ball around.

This is my mom and brother. It was so nice having them join us for the day. My brother has a crazy work schedule so we don't get to do a lot of stuff together so it was great to spend a whole day with him.
Once we were back in South Haven we stopped for a little dinner and then it was to Sherman's for the best Ice Cream ever! We do not got to South Haven and leave without stopping at Sherman's. I hope that we will be able to make it back over at least one more time this year but we have lots more stuff planned and our summer is almost over :(
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