April 3rd was Gabe's 6th birthday. I really don't know when he went from being a little baby to being 6 but I really don't like it. Time seems to be flying by so much faster the older I get and I feel like I'm missing so much. But anyway back to the birthday fun!
Gabe's birthday started on March 31st. Because of spring break Gabe celebrated his birthday at school the last day before break. By his request I made the Little Green Men & Hamm from Toy Story for his cupcakes. Grandma Fuller went into school that day to read to the class and took all of the kids a coloring book.

April 3,2011 The actual birthday. This day was jam backed full of fun. Because of Spring Break we pushed his party to the following weekend but we wanted to make sure to make his special day fun. So we asked him what he would like to do and that is exactly what we did.
We started our day off with Church. Our Youth Pastors son was born last year on Gabe's birthday so we had to make sure to get a picture of our birthday buddies.
This is Gabe & Jonas.

After Church Pastor Dave & Kelly went with us to meet Daddy at McDonald's as this was Gabe first request for the day. Lunch at McDonald's. After lunch daddy had to go back to work for a couple more hours but, Dave, Kelly, Gabe & I headed to......

Chuck E Cheese's for some fun, this was the second request for how he got to spend his special day. He wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese with his best friend Kelly. He had some tokens left from a previous visit and got 25 more free ones because it was his birthday. So this stop cost nothing which made it even better. Dave and Kelly played all kinds of games with him and road the roller coaster with him too. Dave and Kelly had to leave so Gabe and I waited just a little bit longer for Daddy to come and pick us up so that he could head out to our next stop.

The Movies! Nana & Papa took all of their grand kids to the movie to see Hop. It was lots of fun to have most of us together. After the movie we had one more stop to make to complete his birthday.

Meeting Aunt Debbie, Uncle Carl, KatiBeth, Kenton & Chelsea at Red Robins for dinner. This was a surprise for Gabe he knew where we were going (he got to eat free, if you can't tell I love the free stuff!) but he didn't know that someone was meeting us there. He was so excited. We had a great dinner. The staff came over to sing to him and he ignored them the entire time. It was pretty funny because most people get embarrassed but not my kid he just pretends that they aren't even there!
April 9, 2011 The Toy Story Party.
This year we invited friends from Gabe's class. We were able to get the church again so having extra kids was great. At Gabe's request he wanted to open presents first. This is just one of the many cool birthday gifts that he got.

After presents were opened we headed over to play a couple of games the first game we did was "The Claw" we hid 25 little green men in beans and the kids had to use a tong to find them. We also hid one Woody doll in there and the person that found that got a special prize. This game was so simple and the kids had a great time.

Next we played pin the nose on Mr. Potato Head. With the help of Gabe's big brother Jordon & sister Shenira we ended up with a great potato head. Jordon drew the body, Shenira colored it and I added the rest with a great new cricut cartridge that my friend Dawn got for me.

The Cake. The Downs' bought Gabe every single Toy Story character that was in the movie and mommy made his cake and added them all to it. This was such and easy cake to make and he loved it with all of his toys on it.
Front of Cake

Back of Cake.

No birthday is complete without a birthday wish. Not sure what he was wishing for but he sure knew how to put some effort into it! I LOVE this picture with all of his friends looking on!

This is Gabe with all of his friends. There was no way that he was going to have this picture taken without his best friends Kelly & Kati.
Gabe with his birthday sign. This wrapped up our party day.

He is growing so fast and making these memories with him are so very important to me. I love that God picked me to be his mommy and I can't wait to see what this year will bring with our now six year old little man. Happy Birthday Gabby, Mom and Dad love you tons!
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