As promised in the last post. This past weekend was packed full of fun and lots to do. Our "weekend" started on Thursday with the first production of The Living Last Supper at our church. We had two shows this year Thursday & Friday. John & Jordon were both apart of this production they were both disciples. Jordon was James & John was Thaddaeus. Both of them did a wonderful job.

Gabe with "Jesus" after the show. He was very excited!

Saturday was the annual Easter Egg Hunt at our Church. This is Gabe ready to go and find some eggs.

The Hunt Is On!

Ms. Debi let Gabe barrow her hat at the end of the Egg Hunt couldn't resist in getting a shot of him in it. He will LOVE this picture in few years when he is a teenager!

Saturday evening we had to take some time out to color eggs. Gabe & Shenira are the only two that I can still get to color them. This is one of my favorite parts of Easter.

Might be one of Gabe's favorite parts too :)

The kids baskets Easter Morning

This is how I found Gabe when I came around the corner. He was so excited to see what he got but he knows he has to wait until Mommy is there to take pictures! To funny.

After Church we headed to Tekonsha to have Easter Dinner with my Mom & Dad. We had a great lunch and then it was time for the Easter Egg Hunt at Nana & Papa's house to start. Do you think they are ready?

Uncle"Egghead" Danny. He's always good for a laugh. The kids loved finding this egg. But Gabe was the only one brave enough to go up and take it off of his head.

John hides the kids special eggs every year and every year it is fun to watch them find them. Tony's was in the back of the back board of the basketball hoop. Uncle Josh was going to to help out but Tony got it before Uncle Josh could! Tony thought he had the bad it rough but this year it actually was.....

Shenira that got the raw end of the deal! Daddy hid her egg up underneath the rear bumper of he car. It took her forever to find it!

Last year I tried to get a picture of my mom an I and it didn't turn out so I had to make sure that we got one this year.

The big & little kids played kick ball after the egg hunt with the gift that Harrison got from Nana & Papa.

Easter 2011 in the book one more year with Nana & Papa. These are all of the grand kids minus Elizabeth & Evan and plus Buddie! Poor Shenira & Haley are so out numbered!

Easter 2011 at John's Mom & Dad's. After dinner the kids were ready for the Easter Egg Hunt at Ama & Grandpa Fuller's house. They fill their eggs with quarters instead of candy which makes the kids really happy. This year Shenira, Livy, Gabe & Karis were the hunters! Gabe & Karis were or sure ready to take advantage of there couple minute head start!

Gabe, Liv & Shenira on the mad egg hunt to see who could collect the most.

Karis, Shenira, Livy & Gabe. The numbers of girls to boys on this side of the family are a little more even but the boys still have them beat. Tony, Jordon & Dustin are to old to do this part of the hunt now but Grandma had special eggs for each of the kids & they also have a "Golden Egg" that still had to be found. To find those we headed back inside.

Gabe counting up is loot!

I LOVE this picture of Dustin. It took him a long time but he finally found his special egg. Last year they hid his egg in Grandma's coffee pot. This year they had a coffee pot that needs to be taken to Grandpa GG's house and they hid his egg in there.

The finder of the "Golden Egg" for the first time ever! She was so excited.
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