It's been awhile since I've posed anything new, so please bear with me as I take you on our past couple of weeks.
May 12th was Shenira's 13th birthday. We had a T-Ball game that day and then after the game the 7 of us & Tony's girlfriend went to Steak N Shake at her request.
On May 22nd we had a birthday party to celebrate Shenira's 13th birthday. She had 4 friends and lots of family come to help us celebrate. She wanted to have a Volleyball birthday so we went out to Indian Lake Nazarene Camp to use there Volleyball court.
This is John, Shenira & I with the cake that I made for her. First attempt but she liked it so all was good!
Shenira with her girlfriends after her friend on the right shoved her face into the cake! The only part that game off was the black gel which I found quite funny because is matched her shirt! The next picture is a little graphic as we had a small accident during the party.
Gabe decided that he would put some excitement into the party and fell off the monkey bars face first. He got a bloody nose, knocked one tooth out and loosened two others. He was quit the trooper and only cried after he saw himself in the mirror.
Once he was cleaned up the girls all had to come and see what had happened to wanted to see if he was okay. They were all so sweet and I think he liked the attention.
We did manage to get a little bit of volleyball in but the weather was not on our side after about 10 minutes of playing a nasty thunderstorm rolled in and the party was over. Like I've said before there is never a dull moment when you spend time with the Fuller's!
May 26th was Gabe's Kindergarten graduation. They all looked so cute and they sang great songs. You are looking at the Class of 2023!
They each got to go up to the micro phone and say what their favorite thing about Kindergarten was: Gabe "My favorite thing about Kindergarten is Mrs. Frakes"
Gabe with his favorite thing....Mrs. Frakes
Mommy & Daddy with our little graduate
Grandma & Grandpa Fuller came to watch and brought Gabe a cute little card with some money. That he took to Michaels that very night and spent.
And of course his bestfriend Kelly was there to watch too.
This picture will be getting pulled back out in the year 2023 and added to a graduation board I'm sure. This is his friends Eli & Grant.
Oh Yeah Baby Class of 2023!!
Daddy & Mommy took him to Outback for dinner to celebrate his big day.
May 27th was Grandparents/Special Person's Day at school. If you can't tell this boy is just a little bit loved! He had his Grandma & Grandpa Fuller, Nana & Papa & Dave & Kelly there. He had so much fun showing everyone around.
Gabe with Nana & Papa

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