So you can ask any one of my children and they will tell you that when it comes to a camera I AM A NUT!!! I absolutely LOVE my camera and the subjects that I take pictures of. If I could do anything being a photographer would be it. This past weekend the whole family headed north so that I could take Tony's Senior Pictures. Oh did he and I have fun!!! I'm so excited about how these turned out that I can hardly contain myself. The best part was sitting down with Tony after we were done to have him pick out his "favorite" ones. Out of 178 pictures that I took he narrowed his "favorites" down to 104!!! Love IT! These are just a few of my favorite ones below and some of the fun I'm having tweaking them. I'm not finished but thought that I would share. 

These were all taken in Mears, MI at Little Sable Lighthouse on Lake Michigan. We had the perfect day. Even if my camera did break before we were done. Good news is the camera has a warranty and is out as I type to be fixed. The second good news is that I have a wonderful husband that knows that me without a camera makes for a very sad person and was willing to drive me to the closest Wal-Mart so that I would buy a "cheap" camera until my good one is fixed. He is the best! (Poor Jordon was so excited when he found out that it was broken but his excitement only lasted for about 10 hours until I got a new one!)

ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic job you did taking these! I didn't know how talented you were at photography.
I was really interested in your all day crop especially for the cause that it helps out. Will you be doing another for Tony's senior year? Our kids have been at kids camp all week, so I don't want to leave all day tomorrow. I will do one of these in the future. I promise!