Saturday we went to Tony's Senior Picnic. This was a great event to kick off the school year. They had 65 + kids that came. Some came after the picture had been taken.
Par of the Class of 2011
Tony with his girlfriend Abby
Tony & Dad
They had two games for the kids to play an egg toss & pass the life saver from one tooth pick to another. They had a blast with the egg toss but weren't so sure about the life saver game!
Tony & Abby do the life saver pass.
After the games Tony thought Abby looked a little hot so here he is being the "nice" boyfriend that he is "helping" her cool off! Lucky for him she is a good sport.
He also thought that he dad was looking a little warm too and tried to do the same to him but unfortunately for him Dad can still take him!

This is going to be a fun year for him and this picnic was a great way to start it off. We are so proud of him and the way that he challenges himself.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Running Away
Yesterday Gabe and I were having a few moments. We were at a store yesterday and he was miss behaving badly and I explained to him as we walked out of the store that the reason that I always put him into a cart is because of the way that he had behaved just then in the store. This evidently hurt his feels VERY much and once I dropped him off at my friends house he started to formulate his plan to move out of our house! After John picked him up Gabe informed him that he would be moving out and going to live with Kelly. So John told him that he could take with him anything that he bought. Below is the bag that he packed with and I'm not kidding EVERYTHING that was in his dresser & more! Now today this is funny last night this was NOT funny to me and after talking with him for a while he came to the conclusion that he would be better off at our home and that he would miss his Mommy & Daddy very much. But this didn't happen before he told his dad that they should get rid of me! Oh yeah he was totally determined. 
This is one of his empty dresser drawers
His bookshelf after he took the books that he thought that he couldn't live without.
This is Mommy & Gabe after we had made up and he decided that having me for a Mommy isn't so bad after all. There were many teachable things in what happened last night and I'm not sure if he really got it or not but I'm sure we will see.
Sleeping soundly in his bed exactly where he should be. Yesterday ended our three weeks of summer time with John's four older kids and as much as Gabe's love his brothers and sister it's a very hard transition for him to go from having Mommy & Daddy all to himself to having to share us and we struggle with the kids and how they treat him. The age difference are very hard for them to understand and most times they end up not being very nice to him. As I've said before there is NEVER a dull moment in the Fuller home.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Oh How I Love to take PICTURES!!!
So you can ask any one of my children and they will tell you that when it comes to a camera I AM A NUT!!! I absolutely LOVE my camera and the subjects that I take pictures of. If I could do anything being a photographer would be it. This past weekend the whole family headed north so that I could take Tony's Senior Pictures. Oh did he and I have fun!!! I'm so excited about how these turned out that I can hardly contain myself. The best part was sitting down with Tony after we were done to have him pick out his "favorite" ones. Out of 178 pictures that I took he narrowed his "favorites" down to 104!!! Love IT! These are just a few of my favorite ones below and some of the fun I'm having tweaking them. I'm not finished but thought that I would share. 

These were all taken in Mears, MI at Little Sable Lighthouse on Lake Michigan. We had the perfect day. Even if my camera did break before we were done. Good news is the camera has a warranty and is out as I type to be fixed. The second good news is that I have a wonderful husband that knows that me without a camera makes for a very sad person and was willing to drive me to the closest Wal-Mart so that I would buy a "cheap" camera until my good one is fixed. He is the best! (Poor Jordon was so excited when he found out that it was broken but his excitement only lasted for about 10 hours until I got a new one!)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
GIANT Slip N' Slide
A few weeks ago we went to the Balch's house to try out their GIANT slip n' slide. We had so much fun. This thing starts at the top of the hill and dumps you out into the lake at the bottom. Johnny is quickly moving up to be the most favorite uncle!! 
Gabe getting a little help from Tony to make it all the way down to the bottom. The heavier you are the farther you go!
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