We started Vacation Bible School this week. So far Gabe is having a great time. This is our first year of VBS and Mommy & Daddy are able to stay and enjoy the events as well. You know you are a good daddy when you let them put make up on you! The kids are learning about Egypt and are having a ton of fun visiting Joesph & the Market Place. They get to make two things each night, visit the food shop for a snack & listen to a story from Joesph. We have all been broken up into small families and attend each place with that family.
Our family color is purple, each person gets a purple cloth so that we know who belongs to each family. The first night Gabe had to be like Daddy and wear his around his head. Last night he went around the waste.
Here is Gabe at the Barber Shop getting a shave. He was SO serious about his shave!
Last night he got to go fishing. You were suppose to only use one hand but due to the age they let him cheat just a little bit and use both hands! They covered the "fish" in Vaseline which made them a little tricky to catch!
Here Joseph is telling them how he was taken out of prison and taken to the palace to interpret Pharaoh's dreams. It was lots of fun to watch the kids enter act with him.
And of course you can't be in Egypt and not get your make up done. What a good sport you are daddy! Can't wait to see what we learn tonight!
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