As promised here are a couple of pictures from this years walk. This year was the first year that I was able to make it for the Survivors Walk around the track. Our entire family wasn't there but all of Mom's kids and a handful of Grand kids were there to walk with her. I had not idea how emotional this was going to be for me. It really caught me off guard. It was amazing to walk around with her and watch everyone line up around the outside of the track an clap as each person walked by how amazing. We are all looking forward to many more years of doing this with our mom.
The original 5!
To bad none of us look like our parents!!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Relay For Life 2010
This weekend will be a full weekend of celebration. It's been a little over a year now that my mom has been cancer free and we will once again all join together as a family to celebrate this at the Calhoun County Relay For Life event. The picture below was taken at last years event. We will go tonight to walk laps with my mom and to participate in a Pot Luck Dinner. Then on Saturday I will get to join my mom for the survivors breakfast as this has become a tradition for the two of us. We are so thankful for her recovery but our hearts and minds also go out to the many family members that we have lost to this disease. We miss you Aunt Micky & Uncle Fred more than you know.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Binder Park Zoo
Gabe got a membership to Binder Park Zoo for his birthday and Jordon has been wanting to go. So John and I took Monday off and we took Jordon, Shenira & Gabe to the zoo for the day. John, Gabe and I went back on Mother's Day to check out the new baby giraffe but it was to cold that day and they weren't out. So our main goal on this day was to check out the new baby!
Jordon & Shenira pose for me at the Zoo Entrance.
This is a great tree for a photo shot and Shenira spotted it right away.
At last here it is the long a waited look at the baby giraffe! It was SO Cute.
This is Gabe getting ready to feed one of the bigger giraffe's he wasn't to sure about it. But once he got stared he loved it.
There were so many neat birds. I think this one was one of my favorite. This was a great day to be able to walk around the whole zoo it wasn't to hot and we were able to walk around and look at almost everything. We still haven't done the long walk around the swamp but I'm sure there will be a few more trips there before the summer is over.

John's Birthday & Father's Day
Sunday wasn't just Father's Day at our house it was also John's Birthday! Anyone that knows me knows that Birthday's in our house are a big day. It's one of the few days in the year that you get to do whatever you want....almost.
John's pick of the day today was to spend the day at his parents house on the lake. John's Mom and Dad made a yummy lunch for all of us, John opened his Father's Day gifts and then it was time to relax down by the lake.
Daddy with the whole gang before we headed down to the lake.
Gabe loves riding the jet ski and I'm pretty sure that Grandpa loves giving the rides just as much. They always have lots of fun at the lake.
We've been a little creative with our candles this year. Using what we have. For Shenira's birthday we use a number 5 candle & then added 7 individual ones to equal 12. For John's is was 5 number 5 candles an 8 and a 1 to equal 39. Next year he will be the big 40 and you can bet there will be a big party then.
After playing at the lake they still hadn't had enough swimming so it was off to the pool, to which I still haven't been in yet this year. We've had it for 4 years now and I think I've been in it maybe 4 times. It's SO COLD I can't stand it.
After swimming we had a campfire in the back yard, S'mores & a little lighting bug catching! All in all it was a pretty great day.
Can you tell how much he loves my active camera taking!!! :)

Happy Father's Day & Birthday honey. I love you!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
VBS 2010
We started Vacation Bible School this week. So far Gabe is having a great time. This is our first year of VBS and Mommy & Daddy are able to stay and enjoy the events as well. You know you are a good daddy when you let them put make up on you! The kids are learning about Egypt and are having a ton of fun visiting Joesph & the Market Place. They get to make two things each night, visit the food shop for a snack & listen to a story from Joesph. We have all been broken up into small families and attend each place with that family.
Our family color is purple, each person gets a purple cloth so that we know who belongs to each family. The first night Gabe had to be like Daddy and wear his around his head. Last night he went around the waste.
Here is Gabe at the Barber Shop getting a shave. He was SO serious about his shave!
Last night he got to go fishing. You were suppose to only use one hand but due to the age they let him cheat just a little bit and use both hands! They covered the "fish" in Vaseline which made them a little tricky to catch!
Here Joseph is telling them how he was taken out of prison and taken to the palace to interpret Pharaoh's dreams. It was lots of fun to watch the kids enter act with him.
And of course you can't be in Egypt and not get your make up done. What a good sport you are daddy! Can't wait to see what we learn tonight!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Our Little Graduate!
We are now the proud parents of a Pre-School Graduate! He is so ready for Kindergarten he can hardly stand it! Talk about having a flash forward moment. When they gave me the gown that he would be wearing to help put on him all I could think about was in 13 years he will be doing this again and won't need Mommy's help putting his gown on. So far that moment I took in every moment of helping him get ready for his ceremony.
Proud Mama & Daddy.
Gabe & Ama
Gabe & Pastor Dave to most "Davy" to Gabe!
Gabe & Grandpa
Gabe & Kelly
He was so funny. As he classed walked in most of the kids were looking around for there Mom and Dad's waving, calling out and such. But not our Gabe. He walked down that isle as straight faced as possible he was taking his roll as a graduate very seriously. It wasn't until he was up on the stage that he actually cracked this silly little face when he saw me in the audience.
Mommy, Daddy, Grandma & Grandpa Fuller, Dave & Kelly were all there to watch as Gabe got is certificate & new Bible. He was very proud of himself.
Way to go Gabe. Watch out Class of 2023 he's coming!

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