Saturday my parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. They rented a room at Das Esenhaus and asked us to all join them for dinner. When we got there Papa wanted to take the grand kids to play mini putt-putt. We stopped for a few photo along the way this one is one of my favorites. To bad that 7 of their grand kids were missing from this picture.
This is Hayden and Hayden turned out to be an impressive putter! He was showing us all up big time until he decided that he would rather go on ahead of the group! Good thing because I'm pretty sure he would have beat us all.
This is a mama Kill Deer that did NOT pick a very smart place to lay her eggs. This was in the middle of the 18th hole. She was very upset with us when we got to this finale hole to play. She tried everything that she could think of to move us away from her babies.
Mom and Dad at Dinner.
After dinner we took swim suites so we could swim but not all of us made it into the pool. Most of us ended up not feeling well after dinner and spent much time in the restrooms! My sister was a trooper though and went in with the little kids. Gabe had a blast!
Happy Anniversary Nana and Papa we love you!

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