A friend posted on their blog a question that got me thinking last week. The question was: How has your mom blessed you?
The biggest way my mom has blessed me came before I was even born. At 17 my mom had to make the decision to give me up for adoption or to raise me. As a kid I had no idea the sacrifices she made to keep me. As a mom I now have a completely new respect for my mom and for the years that she raised me as a single parent. What a huge struggle it must have been for her. I thank God everyday that He gave her the strength and courage to keep me. Growing up I use to tell people that I was an Oops Baby. As my relationship and knowledge of God grows I've learned as an adult that's the furthest thing from the truth. God knew exactly what he was doing when he have my mom to me. He knew that we both needed each other.
I have never in my life met anyone as strong or giving as my mom. Our life may not have been easy but I have never heard her complain about anything. I wouldn't be the person I am today without her. She blesses me everyday just by being here, she has been the best at encouraging me and helping me with any and everything. She has spend sleepless night with me when my heart was broken and when I wasn't sure where my life was going. No matter what the situation she always knows how to fix it or can find the people that can fix it.
I remember almost 2 years ago standing in my garage after she called me to tell me that she had Colon Cancer, during our call I kept telling her that everything would be fine and we would just take one step at a time. I felt that in that moment I had to be strong for her, some how I managed to end that call without tears that day, but when the call ended it was my poor husband who got to witness my full break down. I keep telling him "this isn't happening, not to my mom, my mom can't be sick, I can't lose my mom and that I wasn't ready to be without my mom." He told me that day that everything was going to be okay and that we needed to pray we started praying in the garage and then continued praying everyday after that and with the support of friends and family by the time my mom went for surgery there were hundreds of people in several different states that were praying for her. I remember praying with her before they took her in for surgery and sitting it that waiting room for what seemed like forever waiting for the surgery to be finished. When that doctor came out to tell us that he was able to remove it all I was so thankful.
I didn't get to see my mom yesterday but I did talk with her on the phone and I thought about her all day long. At the end of this long story I would have to say the biggest way my mom blesses me is just by being My Mom.
I love you mom and I'm sorry this is a day late, Happy Mother's Day!