We had Easter with John's parents last night. John's mom made a very nice dinner and then it was time for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Due to the rain we had to do the egg hunt inside instead of outside. The stuck the four kids that are young enough to do the hunt into Grandma and Grandpa bedroom and then the adults got busy hiding the eggs. One of Jordon's hiding places was my favorite! Can you guess which one it was?
The boys are to old to do the hunt now but Grandma and Grandpa always have a golden egg hidden for each grand kid so the boys had to find there own special egg. John usually has the honor of hiding these eggs and he has no mercy, last year Dustin's Egg was put into the burning barrel, this year.....The coffee pot! He was the last person to find his egg even after several clues his baby brother came in to help him out! John put it in where the filter and coffee grounds go. Problem was Dustin had no idea how to open it!
Gabe finding an egg way on top of the speakers
Grandma and Grandpa also hide one LARGE Golden Egg. Last year Aunt Myra found it and this year The Winner Is........TONY! The Golden Egg is the best as it always has something special in it. This year it had Movie passes and a gift card to Wal Mart. It's quite funny watching everyone hunt for this egg. This year was the best because it was hidden in a basket that was on the table that the kids ate dinner at. It was right under there noses the whole time and they never knew it.
Gabe having fun with the Easter Grass that Tony and Dustin got all over the floor. I'm telling you this kid seriously can find joy in anything. He didn't find the Golden Egg but had just as much fun playing with the Easter Grass.
Gabe counting his loot! He ending up finding $7.50 in quarters plus his Special Egg that had $5.00 in it. He also found two eggs that had 3 Tootsie Rolls in them which to tell you the truth he was more excited about that then he was the money!
Sissy with her Tootsie Roll bank that she brought to put all of her findings in.
2010 Easter Family Photo.
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