This was part of the list I have give him:
1. I wanted to get married on Mackinac Island (more than anything I wanted to be a wife & a mother)
2. I wanted to have children
3. I dream of going to Hawaii someday
4. I dreamed of going on a cruise
Now this is only a few things on the list but little did I know that this man had every intention of making those wants and dreams come true. You see....
On August 15, 2003 we were married ON Mackinac Island
I instantly became a step-mother to four great kids.
On April 3, 2005 I also became a Mommy to a wonderful little boy who I can't imagine life without and who makes me laugh, smile, think, be in awe and yes can make me angry all in the same day. But he is mine.
We found out about this great deal for a cruise that some good friends are going on. My friend kept saying are you sure there isn't anyway that you guys could come with us. What could we do to raise some money so that you can go?? As soon as I heard about it I told John "I would do just about anything to go on that cruise. I promptly went home and started cleaning out old craft stuff that I hadn't used in years and started selling it. We started cleaning out the basement to have a garage sale and we made almost $200.00 in one weekend. I think that was the point when John knew I was serious about wanting to go on this cruise. Now of course that wasn't enough to pay for it and I was trying to not get my hopes up. But on October 17, 2009 my husband informed me that he had already booked our spots on the cruise and we will be going on a 6 night 7 day cruise in March 2010 with our friends!!!!

I don't know about you but to me having 3 out of 4 major things on a Dream/Wish list knocked off by one person is not only amazing but it's a complete and true Blessing that I could have only gotten for God when he gave me John. Hawaii was in the plans for 3 years from now but now that will be moved down the list of priority as we have decided that we have something else that we would rather do in about three years instead of going to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary. More on that to come later!
great post Jammi!