August 15th was our 6 year anniversary. We decided to make a full day of it and ended up having lots of fun. Our first stop was to Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary in Athens. They opened last year but this was the first time that we've been able to make it over. Probably because of some procrastination on Mom's part. Reptiles doesn't rank real high on my like list! But for today I sucked it up and headed out to take one for the team. To which made Gabriel's day.

This is Alphabet Soup..He has markings on him that look like letters and numbers which is how get got his name. Everyone in the group got a chance to hold him.

Gabe is touching the gators teeth! Pretty bad I'll let my kid do it but I didn't want any part of it!

Gabe & Daddy getting their turn to hold the Alligator.

This is the owner bringing one of the big gators out of the pond so that everyone could see the things that he could do. This was Godzilla and he was very interesting as long as I was behind the fence and far away from him! After our visit we headed home for some lunch and nap time. After nap time John and I dropped Gabe off to a friends so that we could go to John's cousins wedding. If was nice to get all dressed up for our anniversary.

Couldn't resist getting a couple shots of the man I love more and more everyday. He is so good at turning little into much and today was no exception. I'm thankful everyday that we were brought together and that God found just the right one for me. For me I now know that the wait that I had to go through was so worth it. If you are waiting for something and wishing that it would happen right now, know that if God has put you into a waiting time he IS working on something great for you.

Couldn't let the night get away without a picture. After spending sometime at the reception we headed home to change and then it was off to a movie. What a great day.
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