Today our little girl completed her elementary days! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. How is it that you send your little one to Kindergarten and then POW they are graduating from 5
th grade. I hope the next few years will slow down a little but I'm sure it will go by just as fast.

Such a serious face.
Shenira with Grandpa & Grandma Fuller & Daddy
Shenira & Daddy

What a face she has. This one at 13-18 isn't going to be a fun trip!! Daddy better start waxing his gun now to help put the fear of God into any boy who even thinks that he is worthy of her!!! I'm so blessed to be apart of this life.
Shenira with her teacher Mrs. Hook.
Shenira loved her fourth grade teacher so much that she was very upset about going into the 5
th grade this year. But she and Mrs. Hook hit it off nicely and she ended up loving Mrs. Hook too. She is our sweet girl. She may not have won the Principles award today but she sure dose win the proud parents award. What a joy!
Congratulations to Shenira and graduating to middle school. Time really does fly. I want to slow it down, too.