Summer is quickly coming to an end which in the Fuller household is a pretty sad thought. We will soon be taking our boat out of the slip and getting it ready for the winter and longing for next summer to arrive. But in the mean time we have more than enough stuff to keep us busy and to help the time pass by.
September 4th was the first day of school for us. This is our little man all ready for his first day of Second Grade. Yes you read that right Second Grade, I can't believe it myself.
When people say that they grow up fast they aren't kidding. I kind of knew this already since I've been watching our older kids graduate and go on to college but this one still seems like he should be a baby.
We are still spending as much time as we can in South Haven until we have to take the boat out. A couple of weeks ago my Mom and Dad came and spent the day with us. The water was to ruff to get the boat out for a ride but it was a fun day to watch the waves crashing on the pier. Because the waves were so high not many people were on the pier so I was able to get this almost impossible picture of the light house with no people in the picture.
She may be 14 years old but she is still Daddy's little girl and will be that for as long as they are both alive.
Here are a couple of things that will keep us busy for the next few months. Shenira is a Freshman in High School this year and is a part of the High School Marching Band. "The Big Red Machine" we are so excited to have a child back in the band this year. We love traveling to their competitions and parades. They can really get a crowd on their feet. This band is always very highly ranked in all of the competitions that they perform in and work very hard to earn each award that they are given.
Dustin is a Junior this year and is playing on the Varsity Football Team. Last Friday night he got his first interception and we all went NUTS! We are crazy proud of him for his determination and his love for the game and enjoy going to all of the games home and away. This photo below is a picture of mentioned interception. I was able to capture this exact moment but not much after that due to the intense amount of cheering and celebrating that was going on after it!

The team is 2-2 so far and have some strong teams ahead of them to play but win or lose we are proud of our #40 he's out there everyday at practice and even when he doesn't get to play we never hear him complain.
Lastly the end of summer mean fair time. We enjoyed going to the St. Joe fair last Monday with Cousin KatieBeth as this has become a tradition for the four of us to go together. There are a few must do's while we are there, petting the little monkey, eating corndogs, elephant ears & fries, riding rides and checking out the animals. This is a great family night for us and we look forward to it every year. Our pocket book not so much but hey it only happens once a year!