My wonderful sweet husband turned 40 this past Monday and to celebrate we had a party! I know what you are thinking "No way the Fuller's had a party?" haha. But yes a party we had.
This was the fun cake that I made for him.
And this is the birthday boy that is such a good sport. I love that he knows how to have fun and can play it up with the best of them. He's been working on his "old man" walk and everything! Way to funny.
Here he is with the Old Fart that his Aunt got for him we are now proudly displaying it on the shelves in the living room.
When I showed Dustin the cake I had set it on the stove backwards so when I lifted the cover to show him he was way does it say "Oh"? Well I kind of thought it was funny so I took one of him with it the "oh" way and.....
One with it the 40 way. So basically it's "oh 40"!
I have to tell you that he still has it because he blew out every single one of those 40 candles (and yes I did put all 40 on the cake) in one blow.
Of course the rest of us needed air mask to breath after he was done but we all survived. Not sure if you can tell very well but I had my brother the fire fighter there off to the right side of the picture just in case things went wrong!!! :)
And no 40th birthday would be complete without a little entertainment. This would be by Wild and Crazy Uncle Carl getting a little pay back in. For Uncle Carl's 50th birthday John showed up after only knowing me & my family for a little over a week in a Grim Reapers costume and dead flowers. This made John a shoe in with my family and started a very fun relationship with my Uncle. Uncle Carl had a fun poem for him and a little hula dance as well. This was a great way to end John's Party.
On John's actual birthday he left in the morning to run to the store while he was gone Jordon went out and drew this handicap person in his parking spot for when he returned. This was pretty funny and since it's in the garage it will be around for a while!