Well the last few weeks were filled with a little of this and that.......
On February 13th we celebrated my sisters 30th birthday at our favorite little pizza joint. You will soon find that when I mentioned a new round of birthdays a few post ago I wasn't kidding. Boy do we know how to do up birthdays!

On February 17th we celebrated Tony's 19th birthday. We had dinner with just the fam and his girlfriend and enjoyed our time together.

On February 27th we celebrated Harrison's 8th birthday with a great cake made by Nana. He loves fishing and so his party was all about fishing.

Daddy, Gabe & Shenira had fun one Saturday building a fort.

And lastly this past weekend I held my first all weekend scrapbooking fundraiser. This is a picture of my mom that Gabe took. We had so much fun and will be having another one in May.

So that brings us up today and with a wedding to attend in Vegas & track season coming up I'm sure you will be hearing more from me soon! Hope all is well with your family.