Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Kindergarten Penguin Fun
Friday, January 14, 2011
Fort Downs/Fuller
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Florida Vacation
Amy I had to put this picture in here just for you! Right before this picture we had a group of young Chinese kids ask us if we would take there pictures and of course all of the boys were making the peace sign. So the very next picture I took of Gabe he had to do it too. Reminded me of Ty!
Mommy and Gabe on the Shamu roller coaster. I don't like roller coasters at all but this one was okay and Gabe loved it.
Dustin, Gabe and Shenira.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
One the reindeer were taken care of it was time to take care of the "Big Guy" Santa himself. Because we had just gotten home from vacation we didn't have any cookies to leave for him so we left him chocolate this year. It's my understanding that he likes chocolate better than cookies anyway!
Gabe was was proud of himself he poured the milk all by himself this year. This is our finished product with the special drawing that Gabe left for him.
Gabe with his gifts from Kelly & Santa.
Mommy, Daddy & Gabe went to see Yogi Bear on Christmas afternoon. I wasn't feeling very well but decided to go ahead and go to the movie anyway. Little did I know that the following Monday I would find out that I had Pneumonia. I ended up missing another week of work. John took very good care of me while I was sick and Kelly helped out a lot with Gabe which was wonderful.
Gabe and Daddy decided to try out Gabe's new nerf guns one of the night while I was sick. I couldn't help but get the camera and take picture of my two crazy boys. I'm not sure which one liked them more Daddy or Gabe!
New Year's Eve Dustin got on a charter bus and headed to New Orleans for his trip with his high school band "The Big Red Machine" to play at the Sugar Bowl. After many many months of fundraisers it was time to go. I had to stop by and get a couple of pictures of him leaving. They had a great time on the trip and just got back today (1/7/11).
New Year's Eve found us at the M-66 bowling ally with John's family again this year. This has become a tradition that we love. I didn't get to bowl this year but enjoyed watching everyone else and doing what I do best....take pictures. This was a crazy freaky picture that I took of John goofing off while he was bowling. Some how in the picture half of his ball is missing????
On New Year's Day Gabe and I met up with Mom and Dad Copas, my brother and sister and their families at Splash Universe Waterpark. Gabe love the lazy river and Haley loved the little slide. I still wasn't feel real great so we didn't stay very long but it was long enough for Gabe to have fun.
January 2 was the Kempton Christmas at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Carl's house. As usual we had great food and a great time with family. I love it when we get together with all of my aunts, uncles & cousins but missed the ones that weren't able to make it.
All in all it was once again a very busy few days with lots of things going on. Glad it's over but can't wait until next year!
Happy New Year Everyone!