Last week we decided to take on the project of removing the wall paper in our kitchen so that we could paint it. All is NOT going well!
This is what we found behind the layer of wall paper and paneling. What the heck!!! But if only that could have been the worst thing that we found. Oh no.
The ceiling of our kitchen also had been wall papered so on Saturday as I'm enjoying a wonderful day with my step daughter, mother, sister and many more friends scrapbooking, I come home to find THIS. Once the paper from the ceiling had been removed John found an area where our bath tub upstairs has been leaking for some time apparently. It was all "hiding behind the wall paper. He found lots of mold and now we have to not only remodel the kitchen but now the Bathroom upstairs has to been re-done before we can even start to put our kitchen back together. Oh and did I mention that I HATE to decorate and that I'm terrible at it???? This is for sure not something that is up my ally. So if any of my blogger friends are looking for some fun and would like to give ideas for a new kitchen my ears are all open. We did get the new floor for it for an amazing deal off an auction site so I have that and I do know that I want to paint my cupboards white. I think I've got some ideas on what to do with the rest of it but I need someone that can vision what I want and say "Oh that will look great when your done!"
This is what my poor husband looked like after cutting all of the bad area out. I was laughing so hard I could hardly stand it. This man is all in his glory right now. He loves to do things like this.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
My friend Becky will watch Gabe for us every now and again when we need someone in a pinch. I LOVE it when he goes to her house because she is a photographer and she loves to take pictures of my son. These are just 3 of my favorites (in order) out of 100 pictures that she took of him yesterday. This kid cracks me up. I maybe a little biased but if I knew where to sign my kid up for a magazine spread I would!!! She said that he would do anything that she asked him to do and that they had lots of fun. I've only seen 23 of the ones that she took and I'm dying to see the rest! Thanks Becky for loving my son and taking such good care of him. 

If you live in our area and need someone to take pictures of your family look her up on Facebook....Rebecca Lynn Portraits. She is AWESOME.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Track Season Is In Full Swing.
Monday night Dustin had a home track meet. Dustin participates in the Long Jump, 3200 meter relay & the 200 yard dash. Dustin has found something that he not only enjoys doing but that he is GREAT at. He keeps getting better every year and it's so fun to go and watch him compete...Even if it does take FOREVER! I wasn't able to watch him last year due to when there meets start. They are all at 4:00 pm or 4:30pm so by the time I get out of work he is done with most of his events. I was so happy to be able to leave work a little early on Monday so that I could get some pictures and cheer him on. He is a great kid.
He took 3rd place in the Long Jump.
His relay team got 2nd place. Here is Dad is cheering him on and he happened to look our way just as I took the picture.
A Little of This and That
Sunday was Haley's 3rd birthday. Aunt Meme (that's me) & Uncle John bought her the little Dora doll that is on her cake and Nana made the cake. She did a great job and Haley loved her cake and doll!
On Monday John and Gabe we to a local greenhouse for a field trip with Gabe's preschool class. All of the pictures that Gabe is not in were taken by Gabe. It was fun to see these pictures when I got home from work. Gabe has a very good eye and I love it when he takes the camera and takes pictures. He likes to take pictures of things not people.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Park Time Fun
Last night John had a meeting at the school with Dustin so I decided to take Gabe down to the local park to play for a little while. The dog enjoyed getting out for a much needed walk and Gabe loves to ride his bike. For a little extra fun Gabe invited his little friend Sarah to come along with us. Our time spent at the park wasn't very long but the kids had great time while they were there. About 10 minutes after we got there some "Gabe" had to go potty and since it's so early in the season still the porta pot hasn't been delivered. So our trip was cut short.
Last year he wanted to do this fireman's poll so bad but was just a little to short for it and just a little afraid of it. He was so proud of himself that he was able to do it this year ALL BY HIMSELF!
Gabe loves playing with Sarah. They are great friends.
He was pretending to be a Monkey in this picture and I couldn't resist a close up. I think close up pictures are my favorite kind. Tonight we have Church and then Thursday John and I go to get him signed up for Kindergarten. Seriously how does this happen so fast????
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Easter 2010
Here are just a couple of my favorite pictures from this Easter. This year we didn't have John's kids for Easter so our Family Easter Picture was just the 3 of us.
As always the kids were all excited to hunt eggs at Nana and Papa's house and to see what their special Egg had in store for them this year.
I'm pretty sure that this has to be one of my favorite pictures of Gabe. I'm sure I couldn't retake this picture in a million years if I tried. He was moving so fast from egg to egg that in this picture his feet aren't even touching the ground!
If you can't tell he LOVED what he got from Nana and Papa. Sidewalk Chalk.
I'm not sure what it is about this picture but I LOVE IT. This is my niece Haley. I love how the color pops out at you.
Monday, April 5, 2010
What A Weekend!
Let the craziness begin! I took the day off of work on Friday so that I could bake Gabe's cake and take care of last minute plans for his birthday. Gabe's friends Jayce & Tyrus were going to have to miss his party so Kristi and I made plans for a play date at Chuck E Cheese. My nephew Ethan also came that night to spend the night. So John, Shenira, Gabe, Ethan and I headed to Chuck E Cheese Friday after dinner so the kids could play. They had a great time and even got to see Chuck E which made the whole night complete for Gabe. He really wanted to have his party there but due to the cost we compromised!
After Chuck E Cheese daddy had a surprise for Gabe. We headed to Mejer's and Gabe was allowed to pick out two goldfish. He has been asking us for MONTHS for a fish. So this was daddy's present to Gabe. Sadly one of the fish died the very next day but Gabe too it well and we took him back after his party to replace it. He now has Nemo & Dory living in his bedroom!
Saturday 4/3/10 THE BIG DAY.....Started off with an Easter Egg Hunt a our church. Gabe and Ethan both had a great time there and then it was back to home to make finale preparation for the Big Party. Somehow my little baby turned 5 today!
This was the second cake that I made for Gabe's birthday this year. This was the cake for his party. We ended up with 43 people there and he had TONS of Fun even if we did have to do almost EVERYTHING inside.
We played pin the tail on the dinosaur which big brother Jordon drew for Gabe.
Due to the rain we had an "Dinosaur" Egg hunt in the house which didn't bother the kids either!
Of course the presents came next at the request of Gabe. He was so excited he just couldn't wait. He got this cool dragon from Aunt Myra & the girls.
It was then time for cake. He loved his cake which is always a plus.
After cake we had one last game to play but we had to do this one in the garage. I'm a brave mama but not that brave. No sand in the house please!!!! For this game they we digging for dinosaurs.

One of these days I'm going to miss planning these parties but for now I'm going to enjoy everyone of them. 43 people were a lot of people to have in one house but we had an awesome time!! Happy 5th Birthday Gabriel Michael Fuller.
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