A couple of weeks ago my friend Dawn and I had a chance to spend some quality girl time together. We went to a Salon that my cousin works for and got Mini-Make Overs! This is how we both showed up to our appointments....No Make-Up, Hair Not Done and Bushy Eyebrows!!!
The power of Make up and a hair cut is a wonderful and amazing thing! I was blown away but the difference and now know that I will never leave the house without make-up again!!!! KatieBeth did an awesome job on our make-up and I love my new hair cut.
Last night we completed our make over as we headed to another Salon (our boss bought both of us gift certificates for this salon for Christmas) to get highlights and a color. We have held on to the gift cards so that I could get everything done just before my big trip with my hubby!
This is the After! We had a great time and can't wait to do it again sometime. Maybe next time it will be pedicures!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Open to New Ideas
A few weeks ago our Church asked Families to open their homes to some Olivet Nazarene University college students that were going to be performing at our Church. John and I were quick to volunteer for 4 students since our 4 oldest children would be at their Mom's house that weekend. The response from everyone was so great that we only ended up getting to have two girls stay with us, but what an experience. We were so blessed to get to young ladies that were so great! The best part was that they both were named Allison so we only had to remember one name!!(haha)
As usual it didn't take Gabe but about 2 seconds before they became his new best friends! These girls were so great, they made him feel like he was the coolest thing on this planet. They played his silly "I spy" and "What Animal Am I" games with him. They let him sit with them at the Lunch that the Church provided for them after they sang and also made sure that we had some great pictures of the three of them together. Now he just wants to know when he will he get to go ONU so that he can visit them!
If you ever get the chance to open your home and host students like this, don't pass up the opportunity what a great blessing it was to our whole family and what a way to show God's love.
Oh and did I mention that Gospel Choir was AWESOME!!!???? Because they were beyond awesome and what life and joy they brought into our Church with them. It was truly an incredible was to spend a Sunday morning.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Happy Birthday to Tony, Yep you got it another Birthday in the Fuller House!
Today our oldest turns 18. It's so hard for me to believe that the little 10 year old boy that I meet 8 years ago is now 18. Time sure goes by fast. Even though today is his actual birthday we celebrated his special day last Sunday with his Grandparents, girlfriend, siblings, Dad & I.
John and I are so blessed to be given the opportunity to watch him grow into the man that he is now. Tony had to grow up way to fast and had many responsibilities placed on his shoulder when his parents divorced and even though it was hard it was a rare thing to see him complain about it. He is a wonderful kid and I'm so glad to be able to call him one of my sons.
Pastor Dave talked about a tradition that his family does in one of his sermons recently and I thought it was a cool idea so John and I decided to do the same thing for Tony's special day. Their tradition is that when someone is having a birthday or special occasion the whole family goes around a circle and says what their favorite thing is about that person. It was so cool to listen to what everyone had to say about Tony. Some even got him and others a little teary eyed.
John and I are so blessed to be given the opportunity to watch him grow into the man that he is now. Tony had to grow up way to fast and had many responsibilities placed on his shoulder when his parents divorced and even though it was hard it was a rare thing to see him complain about it. He is a wonderful kid and I'm so glad to be able to call him one of my sons.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
And So It Continues
Our Church family is always making fun of us because they say that they have never met anyone who has as many parties as we do! I LOVE to plan parties and with 5 kids and a husband I get to do just what I love to do. This past Monday however, was my birthday so it was someone else turn to "plan". My favorite thing to do on my Birthday is go to Homer, MI and have pizza! If you've never been to Cascarelli's Pizzas in Homer, You my friend are missing out. Since my birthday was on a Monday and Cascarelli's is so far from home. We made the Birthday dinner trip on Saturday Night.
This year was no different from many past years and we did make the long (almost an hour) drive down so that I could get my birthday pizza! Thanks Mom and Dad! Doesn't it just look like the best thing EVER! Mmmmmm.....Mmmmmm.Mmmmmm!
This year was nice to have just Mom, Dad, John, Gabe & I. We all enjoyed our time very much and had lots of fun.
This was my birthday cake that my Mom made for me. The best part about my birthday is having Mom make me a cake. She always comes up with something that I just love! She is without a doubt The Best. Love you Mama! After pizza we went back to my parents house to eat cake and play cards. What a great way to spend my Birthday time.
Ice Festival 2010
Last weekend our little town of Vicksburg had their annual Ice Festival and Chili Cook off. Gabe and I LOVE to go and watch the Ice Sculptures being made. We got up early Saturday morning, ate breakfast and then put our Snow pants, Coats, Hats, Boots & Gloves on and were ready for a fun morning downtown. We walked out the door, I locked the door as I always do only to remember just as the door shuts....I have NO keys on my person to get back into our house. John was at work and the "hide a key" had been removed, used and not put back. So here we were LOCKED OUT! So I looked at Gabe and said let's go check out those Ice Sculptures and we will worry about getting back into the house later.
Gabe's most favorite person Kelly met us there which TOTALLY made his day complete. He loves the view from the top which he can in no way shape or form get from his short little Mama!
This is one of the guys working on a Flying Pig!
This was a neat sailboat that our Church sponsored to have made. The talent that goes into each of these is amazing!
This one was my favorite from the weekend. I love the detail that went into this one. It was a great Ice Fest 2010 and we can't wait until next year. We didn't try the Chili but did hear that it they all were very good. Maybe next year we will give it a try.
P.S. We did get back into the house. Kelly let me barrow her car so that I could go and get John's from him at work. Alls well that ends well and Gabe and I had a terrific day together.
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