Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Where to Start???
Our December started off with an 8th Grade Christmas Band Concert on the 8th. Dustin plays the trumpet and we enjoy going to watch him play. The kids did an awesome job. We decided to take Gabe with us this time to see how he would do and he was great. He loved watching his big brother on stage.
We had to fit in a trip to see Santa on the 11th. Gabe asked Santa for a Dinosaur in a Rock plush toy, shampoo,(yes I just said shampoo,don't ask I have no idea!) & Tootsie Rolls. He drew Santa a cool letter which Santa was so happy with.
December 12th was the High School Semi Formal. So we were off to the Hammond's (Tony's girlfriend house) to get a few shot of the great looking couple all dolled up! They are always so cute. This was the 3rd Semi Formal for Abby and Tony together.
December 13th Gabe participated in the Kids Christmas Program at Church. He was toddler Jesus and did a fantastic job!
December 15th We were off to visit a new small indoor water park with The Moody's to celebrate Christmas with them. We always look forward to our time with them. What great friends they are. The boys had a blast playing in the water and being silly. Below is Gabe, Jayce and Tyrus.
December 17th was the Christmas Program for Gabe's Daycare. They played a few songs with their bells, did a Christmas Poem and sang Happy Birthday Jesus. What a great program. Next year he will be in Kindergarten and I can't hardly believe it. Where does the time go?
December 18th We had Christmas with The Downs' Gabe was so excited to give everyone their gifts and so was I. I made all of the gifts that they got this year and it was a big hit. We are very blessed to have them in our lives. What a huge part they play in all of our lives.
Gabe looking at the book that "we" (I) made for Kelly. Every year I make a book with all of the pictures that she has taken of Gabe.
December 19th we were up early to head to Sandusky Ohio for our annual Family Water park trip with my parents, brother and sister. The trip started off a little rocky but ended up working its self out and we all had a good time. Of course you are only seeing 2 of the 300+ pictures that were taken that weekend!
The annual family picture was taken with Santa and Mrs. Clause this year and is missing Dustin and he got separated from the group and we didn't notice until we were all getting set up for the picture. After a quick shot we all scattered to go and find him. This to was not a fun part of our trip but all worked out.
Next post will be CHRISTMAS.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
More Christmas Activities.
As a little girl my mom starting taking us to the Marshall Christmas parade. I looked forward to this parade every year at Christmas. I remember watching the little baton twirlers and looking at my mom telling her "Someday I'm going to be one of those girls" and one day I was one of those girls. I spent my Jr & Sr High years in school marching in that parade as a baton twirler for our school. Even after graduation going to this parade was just not something I was willing to miss. This parade is always the first Monday after Thanksgiving and it's one of the first things that gets marked on my calendar each year. Now that I'm a mom I love continuing this tradition with my son and I'm happy that my husband is willing to make the 45 minute drive that it takes us to get there each year! I'm not sure if either of them find the exact same joy in it as I have and still do but they both are willing participants!
This was one of the floats this year. This was a replica of the Marshall Fountain with the nativity in it which is how the fountain had been displayed for many, many years. Very awesome.
The last couple of years we have invited our friends The Moody's to join us in the fun. They will sooner than later be moving and we are going to miss sharing this event with them very much but are so grateful for the years that we've been able to have them with us.
This boy is some kind of silly. He kept looking at me and telling me that he wasn't going to let me take a picture of him with his eyes open! Funny thing is even with his eyes closed this is probably one of my favorite pictures of him as it just show his true silliness.
If very rare that I get to be in a picture and of course when I do I have a four year old that is having way to much watching the parade to have his picture taken with his mommy! This was the best one out of what was taken! Oh well this too is just another side of my dear sweet boy.
P.S. Carol this post makes me think about you and hope that it gives you happy thoughts of home. We are so excited to have you and your family back in the states soon.
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